I went to school to be an archaeologist and realized digging in dirt wasn't as fun as it was when I was a kid. Now I dig in archives instead.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


You might be asking, if you are reading this, "what in the frilly heck is a genearchaeologist?"  The truth is, it's just a portmanteau I made up, but it's also true regarding myself.  My college major was in archaeological studies, and doing genealogy isn't a whole lot different.  Just not as dirty.

In archaeology you deal with fragmentary evidence of a past civilization, and try to put together those fragments into some semblance of a narrative of human history.  Genealogy is a lot like that, on a micro level.  You're taking fragmentary evidence of the lives of your ancestors, often from a myriad of different sources and places, and cobbling those pieces together to form a narrative of their history - your personal human history.  The basics in research methodology I learned while I was in school proved invaluable to improving my skills as a genealogist, and while I may not be working in that field today, I don't regret the things I learned.

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